Doctoral Program (S3) of Law Science FH UNUD graduated New Doctor I Made Adi Widnyana

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - The Doctoral Study Program (S3) of Law Faculty of Law UNUD again held a Doctoral Promotion Session on behalf of I Made Adi Adnyana on Wednesday (08/03/2023) at the FH UNUD Hall, Denpasar Campus. This new doctor is an academic at the Hindu State University I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Sugriwa. 

The doctoral promotion session was chaired by the Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs, Planning and Cooperation of FH UNUD (Dr. Desak Putu Dewi Kasih, SH., M.Hum) who was accompanied by the Promoter Team: Prof. Dr. Made Subawa, SH, MS; Dr. I Nyoman Bagiastra, SH, MS; Dr. I Gusti Agung Mas Rwa Jayantiari, SH, M.Kn and 4 other examiners. 

The title of Dr. I Made Adi Widnyana's dissertation "Reformulation of the Prohibition of Publication and Advertising of Balinese Traditional Health Services" with the background of the problem on the one hand every citizen has the right to health which is regulated in the constitution. On the other hand, the Governor Regulation of Bali Province No. 55 of 2019 concerning Balinese Traditional Health Services states that "Entrepreneurs, Traditional Health workers, Panti Sehat Usada and Grya Sehat are prohibited from publicizing and advertising the Traditional Health Services provided."

The formulation of norms in the Bali Governor Regulation on Balinese Traditional Health Services is not in accordance with the legal instruments above it. For this reason, it is necessary to reformulate the norm by separating between pengusada and healthy homes with traditional health workers and healthy gray in terms of prohibition in accordance with national policy.