Study Program Website

The S1 Pharmacy study program was established with the permission of the Director General of Higher Education (number 0682 / D2.2 / 2005 dated April 21, 2005) regarding the consideration for the opening of the Pharmacy Study Program of FMIPA-Unud and Decree of the Director General of Higher Education number 1787 / D / T / 2005 dated 25 May 2005, providing PS Pharmacy operational permit. In 2007, the Pharmacy Study Program received a license to extend the implementation of Undergraduate Pharmacy (S-1) at Udayana University in accordance with the Directorate General of Higher Education's Decree number 2496 / D2.5 / 2007 dated 23 October 2007. In 2016, based on the Decree of the Independent Accreditation Institution for Higher Education in Health 0792 / LAM-PTKes / Akr / Sar / VIII / 2016 regarding the Status of Ranking and Accreditation Results of Study Programs at Indonesian Universities The Pharmacy Study Program of FMIPA-Unud is declared accredited with an A grade and is valid until 27-08-2021

Vision and Mission of Pharmacy

As part of Udayana University, Pharmacy Study Program has a vision "The creation of an accredited pharmaceutical education institution that is superior in graduating pharmaceutical personnel with superior character and independent culture who can compete at the national and regional levels". The vision and mission, as well as the objectives of the Pharmacy Study Program are compiled based on the 2019-2020 Faculty and University Strategic Plan as well as the 2016 and 2018 search results of pharmaceutical studies which are part of stakeholders, alumni and graduate users such as Kimia Farma, BBPOM Denpasar, Sanglah Hospital Denpasar, Wangaya Hospital Denpasar, BRSU Tabanan, Sanjiwani Hospital-Gianyar, PD IAI-Bali, PD IDI-Bali, Traditional Medicine Industry), as well as Bench Marking University (ITB Pharmacy, UGM Pharmacy, UNAIR Pharmacy).
In carrying out its vision and mission, the Pharmacy Study Program offers well-known degrees in learning materials (intra and interdisciplinary) in the subject group which is a combination of four fields of expertise, namely Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy. Superior natural pharmaceutical ingredients that prioritize local wisdom Usada Bali as the main study which is the basis for implementing the learning system.
The Pharmacy Study Program has played a role in implementing the vision and mission of Udayana University, namely being active in the field of care and research in the field of Pharmacy, as well as conducting community service either directly or indirectly helping the community and related agencies in solving existing problems through scientific approaches.

Faculty Name : Pharmacy
Address : Jalan Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, 80363
Telephone : 0361 - 703837
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