Study Program Website


Date of establishment: August 28 2009

Certificate of Program Implementation Study: 1518/D/P/2009

Date of Certificate Implementation: August 28 2009

Certificate of Accreditation: Number 377/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2014

Grade acquired: B

The period of validity of accreditation: 5 years

Concentration name owned (if available): none

Vision Mission of Sociology Science

Vision :

Realizing the study program, which is capable of producing human resources (sociologist) who are superior, independent, cultured, and competitive in Indonesia in 2020 and in Southeast Asia in 2025.

Mission :

  1. Develop professional learning system to support information and communication technology as well as an adequate quality assurance system to produce superior sociologist, independent, cultured, and competitive students.
  2. Develop human resources, which have a strong ability in the process of education and learning in the field of sociology.
  3. Develop human resources to be creative and innovative to develop and apply the sociology in favor of the public interest.
  4. Build networking and cooperation with various government and private agencies, both locally, nationally, and internationally in order to improve skills and participation in community development.


Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi

NIP : -

Nama Pejabat : Dr. Dra. Ni Luh Nyoman Kebayantini, M.Si.

Periode Awal : 0000-00-00

Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00

Website :

Faculty Name : Sociology Science
Address : Gedung Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Udayana Jalan Panglima Besar Sudirman
Telephone : 0361 - 255378
Email :
Website :