Commemorating the 78th Anniversary, the Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Holds BPK Goes to Campus at Udayana University
Denpasar – In commemoration of the 78th Anniversary of the Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK), BPK held the BPK Goes to Campus activity with the theme "BPK Teaches" at Udayana University (Unud). This event took place on Thursday, January 16 2025, in the Postgraduate Hall of Udayana University.
This activity presented the Head of the BPK Representative of Bali Province, I Gusti Ngurah Satria Perwira S.E., M.M., Ak, CA, CSFA, GRCP, GRCA, ERMAP as the main speaker who provided material to the participants. The activity participants consisted of students from all faculties at Udayana University.
The event was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. I Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, who in his speech expressed his appreciation to the BPK for its initiative in providing direct education to the younger generation. "Through this activity, students can better understand the strategic role of the BPK in managing state finances, as well as foster a spirit of integrity and transparency among academics," he said.
This activity is part of a series of celebrations for the 78th anniversary of the BPK and aims to introduce the duties, functions and contributions of the BPK to the community, especially students, as future leaders of the nation.
The participants welcomed this activity enthusiastically, which was seen from the active interaction during the question and answer session. Through BPK Mengajar, it is hoped that more and more young people will have broad insight into good and accountable state financial governance.