Structuring the Selonding Kayuan Area in Pedawa Village Becomes the Theme of Community Service FT Unud Architecture Study Program in Pedawa Village, Buleleng

On Sunday, April 10, 2022, the Architecture Study Program held a Community Service activity located in Pedawa Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. The selection of this location is very closely related to the history of the existence of the village of Bali Mula / Bali Aga in Buleleng Regency. The Architecture Study Program seeks to get information about the cultural heritage owned by the Bali Mula / Bali Aga villages in Bali so that the Architecture Study Program is able to have complete data about the historical residences owned by these villages. Pedawa Village is one of the Panca Bali Aga Village located in Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. This village has a variety of historical residences both physical and non-physical such as traditions, etc. As a Village of Bali Aga, of course, this village has its own uniqueness and various historical residences. Kayuan is one of the historic residences in this village. Kayuan or better known as a spring for locals has a variety of functions. Can be used for sacral / sacred activities to activities and activities to meet the needs of the surrounding community. Such activities as: nunas toya for tirta, melukat and so on (which is sacred); to profane functions such as bathing and washing clothes. This Pedawa Village has many Kayuan scattered throughout the village area that has not been well organized, one of which is this Kayuan Selonding.


This Community Service activity that takes the theme of Structuring Selonding Wood Area in Pedawa village is one of the local cultural heritage preservation activities. Of course, the Architectural Study Program of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University has the responsibility to participate in local cultural preservation activities in Bali. Considering that Pedawa village has been designated as one of the new cultural tourism destination villages in Buleleng Regency, it is time for this village to start improving and arranging areas that will later be used as tourist destinations. Kayuan is one of the ritual tourist destinations that have been established by this village. Through this community service activity, the arrangement of Selonding Wood will be carried out while maintaining local culture and preserving the two Sacred Pelinggih located in this area that are still among the trees and do not have adequate access. The two sacred pelinggih which is the forerunner of Kayuan will be made a barrier so that sacredness is maintained, and provide pavement so that it is easier to access, especially when it rains. By making the design of the Selonding Wood arrangement, the Faculty Of Engineering, Udayana University Architecture Study Program is able to help Pedawa village to arrange sacred areas that are used as ritual tourist destinations that still preserve local culture and sacral values.


The service team was led by the Coordinator of the Architecture Study Program along with five lecturers and six students from Sudirman Campus to Pewada village. The team and members brought laboratory equipment in the form of DSLR cameras, drones, digital measuring instruments, meters and recording devices. Cameras, drones, digital gauges and meters are used to obtain accurate sizes of the area to be arranged; determine the point of trees and sacred pelinggih which become orientation in the arrangement of this area. The equipment used is equipment from the Design laboratory.


The initial survey was conducted by the Coordinator of the Study Program who visited Pedawa Village directly on Friday, April 1, 2022 to get information from the Pedawa village Perbekel, Kayoman Desa Group (village environmentalist group), indigenous groups and local community about the service activities that can be done in this village. After identifying with the Pedawa village, the Coordinator of the Pedawa Village Study and Perbekel Program decided to take Kayuan Selonding as the object of Community Service activities. On Sunday, April 10, 2022, the service team was received directly by the Pedawa Village Perbekel along with all village devices and village youth organizations and Pedawa village nature lover groups. In his speech Putu Mardika S.H. expressed his immeasurable gratitude to the Faculty Of Engineering, Udayana University Architecture Study Program for his willingness to go down to Pedawa village and help this village make arrangements. Great hope from perbekel so that Pedawa village can become a village built by the Architectural Studies Program and the Faculty of Engineering so that this village is able to organize itself and prepare its village to become a cultural tourism destination in the future that still preserves local culture.

The service of structuring the Selonding Wood Area is an activity that provides benefits not only for the people of Pedawa village, but also benefits for lecturers and especially students who participate in this activity. The perceived benefit is how later we are able to design a facility that does not damage the natural environment that is still beautiful, and able to apply the science and theory of design and ecological science into the design of the arrangement.



This service will result in the design of the arrangement of the area by making the necessary facilities for this Kayuan such as: water reservoirs, melukat places, prayer areas, message bales, toilet facilities and trash cans. And this facility will be designed with an environmentally friendly design and take the character of the Pedawa village traditional house building so that it will give a strong identity to the design of this arrangement, said anggie.