Establishing Cooperation Between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Clinical Vechicle in the Preparation for the Independent Learning Program at the Merdeka Campus

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University collaborated with Clinical Vehicles involving the Dean, Vice Deans, Study Program Coordinators, and Wahana Clinic on Friday, February 11, 2022 at Cofee Secret's Meeting Room Jalan Drupadi No.32 Renon Denpasar, Bali.

The event started with the direction of the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udayana University. The Dean of FKH Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si in his direction conveyed the purpose of holding this meeting, namely "That the learning process is now in accordance with the instructions of the Minister of Education, Culture Research and Technology following the achievement of the Main Performance Indicators (IKU)" further Prof.Suartha said that the current curriculum provides opportunities for students to study off campus for 3 semesters, starting from semesters 5, 6 and 7 for the Undergraduate Program while in the Professional Program, namely the Hospital Block, Surgery Block, Internal Medicine Block and Field Work Practice Block (PKL). The activity was continued with a presentation by the Vice Dean for Academic and Planning, Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, M.Si. Dr. Sudisma said that the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely in the fields of education, research and service, must always be implemented in every collaboration agreement. It was also added that in the academic field, Clinical Vehicles’ role would be maximized in assisting the learning process using the Case Base Learning (CBL) approach and the Base Learning Project (BSL) in the future. Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Information and Cooperation, Mr. Dr. drh. I Wayan Sudira, MSi, hopes that this collaboration needs to be documented so that it is recorded, measured and has legal principles that will make it easier for accreditation to be carried out. Study Program Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Mr. Dr. drh. I Nengah Wandia, MSi, hopes that the learning provided must be in accordance with the targeted Learning Outcomes so that the quality of students participating in this activity does not decrease in standard, in fact it is hoped that the standard will be higher. Study Program Veterinary Professional Program (PPDH) Mr. Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Dwinata, MKes, said that the competencies achieved by students are expected to be at least the same as those obtained in on-campus learning and also he said that this collaboration can overcome the schedule of students which may be in a co-assisted period the schedule coincides with several PPDH Blocks.

In line with the development of the learning process, several representatives from Wahana Klinik conveyed their input and hopes to reach an agreement in making this Cooperation Agreement (PKS). Some of the vehicle clinics that were invited to the meeting were: Denpasar Veterinary Sunset Leaders, Kedonganan Veterinary Badung, Bali Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Listriani & Associate (Veterinary Clinic), Central Veterinary Clinic, Drh Anom Clinic, Puji Vet Care, Sayang Satwa Animal Clinic, Inu Neko Vet Care). On that occasion also presented the competencies possessed by each clinic vehicle, and the capacity of the number of students that can be accepted. On this occasion the Unud Cooperation Team chaired by Drh. I Made Merdana, MP has compiled a PKS Draft which has been adapted to the PKS regulations standardized by Udayana University


UNUD FVM Meeting with Clinical Vehicles

Several agreements were reached at the meeting, namely:

1. Agree with the PKS draft that has been made by the Unud FVM Cooperation Team

2. There is an improvement in article 3, from PKS, before student internships are given briefing so that their activities are more focused.

3. The capacity of students who do internships is adjusted to the abilities of Clinical Vechicles, each ranging from 4-10 people per period.

4. It is necessary to make measurable assessment standards in accordance with an assessment matrix.