Two FK Unud Lecturers Became Resource Persons at The CEERRF International Week 2024

Two FK Unud Lecturers Became Resource Persons at The CEERRF International Week 2024

Representatives from the Undergraduate Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Profession Study Program (PSSFPF), Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud), were invited as resource persons at the International Week organized by the Center Européen D'enseignement En Rééducation Et Réadaptation Fonctionnelle (CEERRF), Paris, on 24 – 28 June 2024. On this occasion, representatives from PSSFPF who were invited as resource persons were I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya, S.Ft., M.Fis., Ph.D, and Gede Parta Kinandana, S.Ft., Ftr. , M.Fis.

The event opened with remarks from Arnaud Cérioli as director of CEERRF, and Emiliano Castillo, as representative from the international office. After the speech, it was followed by a public lecture on the role of rehabilitation in humanitarian activities delivered by Pierre Moreau, a physiotherapist from France who works in Doctors without Borders. Then it was continued with the delivery of material in each class where all participants who were CEERRF students from the 2nd year and 3rd year, were each divided into 4 small groups.

Students then take turns attending classes filled with various speakers, including:

* Gede Parta Kinandana from Indonesia who delivered topics regarding Spinal Manual Therapy and underlying effects, as well as the classification system of lower back pain

* Ludovic Nassel from Belgium, who presented the topic of Concept Bobath et Le Métayer pour l'enfant cerebral paralysis

* Vasileios Korakakis from Greece, who presented topics regarding Blood flow restriction training in clinical settings, as well as Contemporary Evidence on Blood Flow Restriction Training. Friend or foe?

* I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya from Indonesia, who presented the topic regarding shoulder examination as preventive screening and physical therapy examination in shoulder impingement.

* Pierre Moreau from France, who presented the topic of Spécificités de prize en charge de la main brulée en rééducation

* Laurent Pitance from Belgium, who presented the topic of Le concept Mulligan appliqué à l'entorse de cheville, and

* Joachim Van Cant from Belgium, who presented the topic of Le syndrome fémoro-patellaire, principes généraux et processus diagnostique.

The event was also followed by the signing of a cooperation agreement (PKS) in the field of education and research between the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and CEERRFF which was signed directly by Francois Anelli, president of CEERRF.