Professor of FK Unud Launches Books and Products from Purple Potato Research

Professor of FK Unud Launches Books and Products from Purple Potato Research


The Doctoral Study Program in Medical Sciences at Udayana University (FK Unud) in collaboration with PT Varash Indonesia Jaya and PT Adigoeroe held a Book Review entitled "Secrets of Purple Potatoes to Prevent Degenerative Diseases" and the downstreaming of Purple Potato products on Friday 19 January 2024 in the Meeting Room Dr. A.A. Made Jelantik, Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Building.


This event was held as an implementation of FK Unud's collaboration with the Varash company, especially in downstreaming research results from the Medical Sciences Doctoral Study Program, FK Unud. This collaboration was designed one year ago and has been followed up by Prof. Dr. Dr. I Made Jawi, M.Kes, as Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences, presented the results of his research with several Masters and Doctoral students over 15 years regarding the antioxidant properties of purple sweet potato tuber extract in various animal models and several sufferers.


The results of this research, with the approval of Varash, are presented in the form of a book published by Properti Semesta, which is also a company within the Varash Group. The published book was dissected at the event by 3 examiners, namely: Prof. Dr. Dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KEMD, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dewa Ngurah Suprapta, M.Sc and dr. Wayan Mustika. As moderator of the book review event was Prof. Dr. Wayan P Windia, SH., M.Sc.

All book reviewers agree that the book "Secrets of Purple Potatoes to Prevent Degenerative Diseases" is worth reading and understanding because by understanding the contents of this book it is hoped that you will understand that degenerative diseases can be prevented.


In connection with the downstreaming of purple sweet potato products, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, is very supportive because the results of research carried out by Prof. Jawi and his friends which have been carried out for 15 years are naturally sought after by industry and coincidentally have been accepted by PT Varash to be made into a product called Visnhu. Even though this product is a combination of purple sweet potato with Dewa Leaf, according to PT Varash, this is the first purple sweet potato product produced from collaboration between FK Unud and Varash.


Ceo Varash Group, Mr. Putu Eka Suryawan and Apt. Nyoman Triadi Wisesa, S. Farm. PT Varash also hopes that this collaboration can be maintained so that it can produce other natural medicines that are ready to be marketed and are useful for society. The author of the book Prof.Dr.dr I Made Jawi, M.Kes hopes that people will read the book and try Visnhu capsule products to prevent degenerative diseases so that the burden on families and the government in dealing with cases of degenerative diseases does not continue to increase in the future.