Development of Collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine, Unud and Stanford University, USA

Development of Collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine, Unud and Stanford University, USA


Expanding cooperation with universities ranked 5 (QS 100) is highly expected to improve institutional performance, especially in the field of higher education tridharma. FK Unud held an online meeting with Prof. Budi Wiryawan and Dr. Rusly, an academic from Stanford University, to discuss possible collaborations that could be implemented between the two institutions. On this occasion the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. Dr. I Made Ady Wirawan, MPH., PhD welcomed the initiation of this collaboration and was grateful for the trust given to the Faculty of Medicine, Unud.


Prof. Budi as medical director of the pediatric ICU at Stanford University said that collaborative activities that could be carried out in the near future were joint seminars/webinars and in the future collaborations related to research and joint publications as well as Fellowships in the field of Pediatric Critical Care could be planned. Apart from that, Dr. Rusly, who is an expert in life style psychology, can also be related to the field of psychiatry. This meeting was also attended by representatives from the Pediatric Specialist Study Program, Dr. Dr. Dyah Kanyawati, Sp.A(K) and dr. Sisca Sinardja, Sp.A and Dr. Dr. Tjok Jaya Lesmana, Sp.KJ(K) from the Psychiatry Study Program and UPIKS Coordinator, Dr. Dr. Ida Ayu Ika Wahyuniari, M.Kes. The follow-up to this meeting was a zoom meeting with the chief pediatric ICU at Stanford University regarding the realization of collaborative activities that could be carried out.