Developing Healthy Campus Program at Faculty Level, FK Unud Visits FK UNS

In accordance with the mandate of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes) where Udayana University was appointed to run the Healthy Campus Program since 2021, the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) is one of the pioneers at the faculty level appointed by the university to implement this program. In order to support the university program in developing and managing the Healthy Campus Program, FK Unud conducted a comparative study visit to the Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University (FK UNS), Solo on Wednesday, November 29, 2023.

The purpose of this visit was to find out more about policies and institutional support in realizing the Healthy Campus Program at the faculty level, obtain tips for developing the Healthy Campus Program and face challenges and problem solving solutions in the Healthy Campus Program at the faculty level.


Led by the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Si, the team from FK Unud was welcomed directly by the Dean of FK UNS Prof. Dr. dr. Reviono, Sp.P (K) who was accompanied by Vice Deans I, II and III as well as the Healthy Campus Team and FK UNS students in Session Room 1, Soetjipto Building, FK UNS. On this occasion Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Si said that the Healthy Campus Program is a very good thing to be applied in the campus environment so that it needs to be developed and implemented as well as possible.

"Looking at the ranking of the implementation of the Healthy Campus Program, UNS has a good ranking, so that it becomes our reference to learn more about the Healthy Campus Program that has been running. With the hope that the FK Unud Healthy Campus Program, which has not been maximally implemented, can be implemented better in the future.


Prof. Dr. dr. Reviono, Sp.P (K) on this occasion said that in addition to the healthy campus program, UNS also has a Green Campus Program where the implementation of these programs is integrated with the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education both in community service, group research, project-based learning by involving students to create activities related to the Healthy Campus Program and Green Campus.

"As an example of integration of activities, every Dies Natalis celebration, UNS will organize a Healthy Campus and Green Campus Competition. There are six criteria that are contested, namely setting and infrastructure, energy and climate changes, waste management, water, transportation, and education," he said.


The FK Unud delegation on this visit was attended by Dr. dr. I Gusti Ayu Widianti, M.Biomed., Dr. dra. I.A. Alit Widhiartini, Apt., M.Si., Dr. Desak Putu Yuli Kurniati, MKM, and I Made Arjana, A.Md as the Healthy Campus Program Team of the Faculty of Medicine, Ni Ketut Dewi Megawati, SH, MH, as the Administrative Coordinator and Luh Dian Trisnadewi, SE, MM, as the Subordinator of Planning and Information Systems.