Deliberation of KOMPAK Members, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University 2023

Deliberation of KOMPAK Members, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University 2023


In connection with the end of the term of office of the Chairperson of the 2023 period, the Cancer Care Student Group of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (KOMPAK FK UNUD) held a 2024 Member Deliberation (MUSANG) to discuss the AD / ART, discussion of LPJ, and the Election of the Chairperson of KOMPAK 2024. With the theme "Let's Decide It Together, Be The Better Further", this activity was held in the N.A. Bagiada Meeting Room, 2nd Floor of the CVU Skill Lab Building (25/11/2023).


With the name Bhakti Abhirama cabinet, the position of KOMPAK 2024 Chair will be held by Angjun Putra Tegun Lase. KOMPAK FK UNUD Trustee Dr. Hendry Irawan, M.Biomed, Sp.B, Subsp. Onk.(k) who was present to open the event gave his appreciation to the outgoing Abhinaya Sadajiwa cabinet and expressed his hope that the 2024 KOMPAK Chair will continue to carry out cancer prevention efforts through optimization and expansion of KOMPAK FK UNUD activities. 


The event was also attended by the Chairperson of BEM represented by Ida Ayu Surya Nimayadi Wijantari, KOMPAK 2023 Chairperson Dave Christopher Manuhutu, compact management cabinet Abhinaya Sadajiwa, core members and young members of KOMPAK.