Improving Competence on Neurodevelopmental Disorders, FK Unud Organizes Guest Lectures and Mini Workshops

In order to improve competence and develop knowledge, especially in the field of mental medicine, especially regarding neurodevelopmental disorders and reality therapy applications. The Mental Medicine Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) held an online Guest Lecture and Mini Workshop on November 19, 2023 with the topics: "Neurodevelopmental Disorder and its Management" and "Advanced Reality Therapy".


On the occasion of this guest lecture, the first topic, "Neurodevelopmental Disorder and its Management" was presented by Dr. Yunias Setiawati, dr., Sp.K.J., Subsp.A.R.(K), FISCM from Surabaya. While the second topic, "Advanced Reality Therapy", which is a continuation of last year's guest lecture learning, was presented by Dr. Gusti Ayu Maharatih, dr., SpK.J., Subsp.A.R.(K), M.Kes from Surakarta. To assess the understanding and increase the enthusiasm of the participants, a pre-test was also conducted at the beginning of the session, discussion and practice after the presentation of the material, as well as a post-test at the end of the session. This activity was attended by more than 100 participants consisting of students (residents), lecturers, and alumni of the Mental Medicine Specialist Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.


This regularly organized activity is a means of developing knowledge, especially in the field of mental medicine, especially regarding neurodevelopmental disorders and reality therapy applications. It is hoped that through this lecture, the participants will get an understanding and renewal of knowledge from teachers who come from outside Udayana University, so that they can better handle patients with mental disorders.


The event began with the report of the chairman of the organizing committee, I Gusti Ayu Indah Ardani, dr., Sp.K.J., Subsp.A.R. (K), and was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes. He expressed his appreciation to the Mental Medicine Specialist Study Program which has organized scientific activities in order to improve knowledge together. "We must always follow developments in order to provide better service to the community. This is a moment for us to be able to explore things related to neurodevelopmental disorders, how to recognize and handle them, and how we use reality therapy in totality to treat patients with mental disorders," he said.