Socialization and Clinical Training for Young Doctors (SOSPEL-DM) 2023

Socialization and Clinical Training for Young Doctors (SOSPEL-DM) 2023

The General Medicine Student Association (HMKU) of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University through the field of Education and Profession (Pendpro) held a Socialization and Clinical Training for Young Doctors (SOSPEL-DM) 2023 with activities in the form of workshops and talk shows on material and real practice to provide an early picture of co-ass life.

The Education and Profession Division of HMKU FK Udayana University has successfully organized SOSPEL-DM 2023 with the theme Insight of Clinical Skills & Mental Readiness as Basic Provisions for Doctors' Professionalism and Competence During The Co-Ass Period. SOSPEL-DM 2023 was held on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at the Psychology Lecture Hall of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar. 

SOSPEL-DM 2023 presents three workshop speakers and three talk show speakers namely:

1. dr. I Made Putra Swi Antara, Sp.JP(K), FIHA 

2. Dr. dr. Made Agus Dwianthara Sueta, Sp.B-KBD 

3. dr. Ida Ayu Widya Anjani, S.Ked

4. dr. Rr. Cattleya Allayka Wardana, S.Ked.

5. dr. I Nyoman Tri Paramartha, S.Ked 

6. dr. Kadek Dwi Pradnyawati, S.Ked 

SOSPEL-DM was attended by 70 participants from undergraduate medical students from all universities in Bali. Through this SOSPEL-DM 2023 activity, it is hoped that the participants will be increasingly helped by the workshop and talk show material that has been given, so that later they can contribute to improving the quality of health in the community.