IPE team visit to South Denpasar Subdistrict Head

IPE team visit to South Denpasar Subdistrict Head


In order to expand educational facilities for students taking part in IPE-3, the IPE (Inter-Professional Education) Unit along with the team and Coordinator of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit (UPIKS) of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) visited the South Denpasar Subdistrict office. (13 September 2023)

The purpose of this visit is to start cooperation in order to expand educational facilities for students taking IPE-3. In IPE-3, all students from 7 study programs from 2 faculties (FK and MIPA) will carry out field practice activities with assisted families to achieve the expected INTERPROFESSIONAL competencies.

The FK Unud group was received directly by the Head of Densel Subdistrict, I Made Sumarsana, SE., M.Si., along with the Secretary of the Subdistrict, Ni Komang Pendawati, S.STP., M.H., and the Head of the People's Welfare Section, I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suyantra Diputra, SIP., M.A.P.

During this visit, the Head of Subdistrict welcomed the plan from the FK Unud IPE Team to carry out collaborative practical work by adding vehicles to its work area. Next, it needs to be completed with official and other administrative letters to facilitate future activities.

He and his staff hope that students, institutions, society and the government can gain good benefits from this activity. It is hoped that in the future this collaboration will continue to be good and can improve education and public health both at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and in the community in the South Denpasar sub-district.

Today's visit was attended by the IPE Unit Coordinator, FK Unud, Dr. Dr. Urged Ketut Indrasari Utami, Sp.S(K)., UPIKS FK Unud Coordinator, Dr. Dr. Ida Ayu Ika Wahyuniari, S.Ked., M.Kes., IPE-3 Block team coordinator, Ns. Made Oka Kamayani, S.Kep., M.Kep., and IPE administrative officer, I Wayan Gede Darmanto, S.Sos.