UNUD Faculty of Law Students Care for the Environment and Mentari School: Implementation of Environmental Care Character Building

Author: BEM FH UNUD | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Gianyar, FLUNUD.ac.id - The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University (BEM FH UNUD) held Student Environmental Care (MPL) and Mentari School activities held in Bona Village, Blahbatuh, Gianyar, Bali, Sunday (06/25/2023). Handika as the person in charge of Students Care for the Environment in his speech revealed that "MPL is a work program which is an activity that helps the community to preserve the environment, we as students invite all younger siblings to take part in the real action of plogging or picking up trash while jogging. For Mentari School, after this, there will be counseling on waste management, so that you are aware of the importance of environmental cleanliness and later at Mentari School there will also be exciting games". 


This year, the MPL and Mentari School activities, which are a series of Legal Socialization and Assisted Village activities, are held simultaneously. This activity will begin with an opening ceremony in the form of remarks from invitees. This activity was opened by the Representative of the Perbekel of Bona Village and was also attended by a representative of the Head of the Hindu 1 Bona Elementary School (SDN), the Head of SDN 3 Bona, a representative of the Head of the Tunas Wangi Hindu Kindergarten, the 4th grade teacher of SDN Hindu 1 Bona, the 5th grade teacher of SDN Hindu 1 Bona, the 4th grade teacher of SDN 3 Bona, and the 5th grade teacher of SDN 3 Bona.


This activity carries the 3M concept (Serve, Teach and Entertain). The 3M concept is conveyed through counseling material about sorting types of waste to elementary school students. Then practiced in plogging and continued with games that entertain elementary school students. Participants from Peduli Lingkungan and Sekolah Mentari students were grade 4-5 students from SDN Hindu 1 and SDN 3 Bona. This activity was carried out at Tunas Wangi Bona State Hindu Kindergarten with the hope of providing useful teaching and also entertaining students in the midst of a busy school routine. The FH UNUD Student Institution functionaries also took part as volunteers who filled the event, followed by the Legal Socialization and Assisted Village 2023 committee who became the facilitator. 


"We hope this program can continue from year to year and can provide benefits, especially instilling a sense of environmental awareness, namely waste management. Even though the school has been given knowledge about waste, maybe the students can give more to the younger siblings to complement" said I Wayan Balik Astawa, S.Pd as the Head of SDN 3 Bona.