Udayana Civil Engineering Passed to Represent Indonesia at the International Level

Udayana University Civil Engineering is now making another achievement at the national level through six students from class of 2022. This achievement was obtained at the 2023 Online Science Project Competition (OSPC) organized by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA). OSPC itself is an arena for competing the abilities of young researchers aged 13-20 years in presenting the results of the research they have done. These six people were divided into 2 groups in the Physics and Engineering (PE) category and managed to bring home Silver and Bronze medals respectively. This competition starts with the extended abstract gathering on March 9 2023, the full paper gathering on March 14 2023, then the peak is on April 5 2023.


The long journey was passed by 2 groups led by Ni Made Astri Purni Nariswari and Made Shasanka Khamani Pande, both groups were guided by Mrs. Putu Cinthya Pratiwi Kardita. The research carried out by the two teams began in January 2023. The group chaired by Astri presented a topic entitled “TACOPETS: Waste-Based Wall Block Innovation”, while the group chaired by Shasanka presented a topic entitled “COMMA: Compost Maker as a Processing Tool Organic Waste at the Household Level”. These two topics were raised based on the increasing amount of plastic waste and organic waste in Bali Province every year.



"We started the initial stages of research by conducting material testing and preparing test equipment in the laboratory assisted by seniors from the Udayana Engineering Study Group (UREKA). After the materials and tools were ready, we proceeded to the mixing and molding of the test specimens. However, there are still several obstacles that we feel need to be developed in the future, namely the processing of used cooking oil as an adhesive for plastic aggregate, tabas sand, and bamboo powder that we use," said Astri as head of the Silver medal winning group.


"From our group, the initial stage is to carry out the design of the COMMA tool itself. We designed using the Sketch Up application and determined several designs before finally being approved by Mrs. Tiwi as the supervisor. After the design was approved, we carried out the design of the tool as well as the testing of making compost using EM-4 liquid which would later act as an activator for composting the organic waste. However, the composting process using COMMA still needs to be developed so that the time needed to process the compost is shorter," added Shasanka as head of the Bronze medal winning group.


The passing of these six students will automatically represent Udayana University and Indonesia in an international event organized by IYSA. "I hope the achievements of these six people can inspire other students, especially new students, because I believe that the creativity, competence, collaboration of students and lecturers of Civil Engineering at Udayana University are very good and able to compete at the National and International levels," said Mrs. Tiwi as Supervisors from the two groups.