Improving the Quality of Graduates, Faculty of Animal Husbandry Study Program Unud Holds Teaching Practitioner Program
The Animal Husbandry Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University held a Teaching Practitioner program to fill the Teaching and Learning Process (PBM) in the classroom in order to support the implementation of the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM). This time it will be held online for 2 days, Thursday-Friday, 20-21 October 2022.
On Thursday, October 20, there were 3 practitioners filling in, namely drh. Joshua Edbert Tansil from PT. Charoen Phokphand Tbk. on "Anatomy of Livestock and Poultry" for the course of Livestock Anatomy (Smt.1) with course Coordinator Dr.Drh.I Gusti Agung Arta Putra, M.Sc. Followed by the second practitioner Muhammad Tegar Kusmahidayat Koneda S.,Pt, M.Pt from BBIB Singosari on "Selection of Male and Female Cows" for the course in Animal Breeding Science (SMT. 3) with the Coordinator of the Court: Dr.Ir.Dewi ayu Warwadewi,S .Pt.,MSi. HDI. and the third by Ahmad Zarkasi Efendi, S.Pt. from UPT.PT and HMT Malang on "Factors Affecting Production, Composition of Milk (Milk Quality)" for the Dairy Animal Science course (SMT.3) with MK Coordinator: Ir.Lindawati Doloksaribu,M.App.Sc.PhD.
Meanwhile, on Friday, October 21, there were 2 practitioners who filled in, namely Sopyan Haris S.Pt., MM. from PT. Charoen Phokphand Tbk. on "Factors Affecting the Growth of Poultry" for the Poultry Livestock Science course (SMT.3) with course Coordinator Prof.Dr.Ir.Gusti Ayu Mayani Kristina Dewi, MS., IPU., ASEAN Eng. And the second practitioner Syahrul Isitqlali S.Pt., MP from PT. Charoen Phokphand Tbk. on "Prohibition of Use of Antibiotics in Poultry" for the Non-Ruminant Livestock Nutrition Science course (SMT. 3) with the Coordinator of the Court: Prof.Dr.Ir.I Gst.Nym.Gde.Bidura, MS.,IPU., ASEAN Eng. Thus, the 5-day teaching practitioner program ended with the involvement of 11 practitioners who are competent in the field of animal husbandry. So that later students get a useful learning experience to be able to compare the theory learned in class with implementation in the field and there can be an increase in the quality of graduates.