Cleaning and Planting Mangroves in commemoration of BKFT 57 Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

In connection with the 57th anniversary, the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University held a mangrove seedling planting activity on Sunday (18/9). The activity, which was attended by environmentalist students, leaders, lecturers and stake holders, chose Kelan Village as a place of service which is located not far from the Bukit Jimbaran Campus.


This event was attended and opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, Ph.D., who in his speech said that this activity aims to preserve nature, especially anticipating abrasion, interruptions and as a deterrent to sea water to land. This was also conveyed by the Deputy Dean I Prof. Suprapta Winaya was accompanied by the Head of BKFT, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Dr. I Ketut Adi Atmika that the real action of caring for the environment is carried out to shape the character of campus resources that care about the environment.


On this occasion the Dean Ketut Sudarsana, PhD gave an award to Mr. Aswin Regawa, CEO of PT Alam Hijau Anagata (AHA), for his cooperation so far in the energy and environment fields. On that occasion, the Udayana University Faculty of Engineering group had the opportunity to visit industrial partners PT Agra Surya Energi and PT Citra Yala Tama Raya to discuss further the cooperation that has been carried out regarding solar energy on rooftops and thermal engines.