Unud Medical Faculty, Ministry of Health, and JetSet TB Success in INA-TIME 2022 Collaboration
Collaboration between Unud Medical Faculty, Ministry of Health and JetSet TB Success in INA-TIME 2022
The high rate of tuberculosis (TB) makes this a major health problem in Indonesia. The commitment of the Indonesian government to eradicate the TB problem by 2030 has attracted the attention of various agencies.
The Indonesian Tuberculosis Research Network (JetSet TB) in collaboration with the TB Working Team, ARI of the Ministry of Health and the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held The 4th Indonesia Tuberculosis International Meeting (INA-TIME) 2022 at Griya Agung Ballroom, Prime Plaza Hotel, Sanur. (8-10 September 2022)
The 4th INA-TIME this year was packaged in the form of a symposium and seminar that presented a keynote speaker, namely the Indonesian Minister of Health, Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC, CLU., and The President of the Union, Prof. Guy Marks.
The Dean of FK Unud, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes who was present on this occasion said that TB has become a global problem that requires the cooperation of various parties to solve it. Furthermore, the Dean said that the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University is very ready to assist government programs in solving TB problems.
"We must collaborate and cannot work alone to solve this problem, the government and the private sector and we as educational institutions are of course ready to issue ideas, inputs that can be used as efforts to alleviate TB problems, especially in Indonesia." he explained.
The objectives of holding this event are:
1. To provide up-to-date evidence and increase knowledge about TB
2. Provide a forum for discussion on discoveries and innovations regarding TB
3. Increase the network between researchers and practitioners in developing new strategies and innovations to accelerate TB eradication.
4. Provide specific information on research themes that are in line with the objectives of the government's TB Eradication Program.
Dr. dr. Wayan Gede Artawan Eka Putra, M.Epid, reported that INA-TIME 2022 was attended by 519 participants from various institutions in Indonesia and speakers from 9 countries. He reported that there were 110 scientific abstracts that were submitted to the committee and 92 abstracts were accepted for presentation both orally and on posters