Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unud Holds Briefing and Handover of Students Participating in the 2022 PKKM Industry Internship
Thursday, September 8, 2022. The Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unud held a Briefing and Handover of Students Participating in the 2022 PKKM Industrial Internship, located in the Hall 3rd Floor, Postgraduate Building, Udayana University Jl. PB Sudirman, Denpasar. This activity lasts for 2 days, namely: on September 8, 2022 it will take place offline, while on September 9, 2022 it will be online. This activity was attended by the Chancellor of Unud, represented by the Vice Chancellor III for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU, Dean of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Tirta Ariana, M.S., IPU., ASEAN Eng. Chairperson of the Senate/Senate Secretary, Deputy Deans, Animal Husbandry Study Program (S1), Chair of LP3M, Chair and Secretary of USCC, Chair and Secretary of PKKM, Chair of BKM, resource persons and all industrial internship students.
In its report, the Koprodi Bachelor of Animal Husbandry (S1) conveyed the objectives and benefits of industrial internships for students. In addition, the number of students who took part in industrial internships and industrial internships was also conveyed.” This year, 75 students participated in internships outside Bali with internships including: CH Fapet UGM (10 students), CH Fapet UNAND - Padang (10 students), CH Fapet IPB (10 students), BBIB Singosari (5 students), BPTU-HPT Padang Mangatas (15 students), Balitnak Bogor (10 students), PT. SMS (Semesta Mitra Sejahtera) Surabaya (15 students). As for the students who took part in the internship in Bali as many as 43 people. with a place of internship, among others: CV. Darmapuri Agro Semesta - Klungkung + Royal Honey- Sakah (12 students), Arcana Farm - Negara (10 students), PT. Mitra Sinar Jaya (MSJ) (8 students), PT. International Chocolate Cau + CV. Timan Agung Kelating-Tabanan (13 students).
On the first day of the debriefing activity, 7 resource persons were presented, namely: 1. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Industrial Internships – PKKM by resource person Dr. I Made Mudita, S.Pt., M.P. (Lecturer of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Udayana University); 2. Business Overview by Resource Person I Ketut Darmawan, S.Pt (Cv. Darmapuri Agro Semesta – Klungkung); 3. Business Overview by Resource Person Anak Agung Nyoman Wijana (Cv. Timan Agung-Tabanan Leader); 4. Business Overview by Resource Person Dr. I Wayan Wahyudi, S.Si., M.Si (Leader of Royal Honey – Gianyar); 5. Business Overview by Resource Person Kadek Surya Prasetya Wiguna (Director of PT. Cau Cokelat International-Tabanan); 6. Business Overview by Resource Person I Ketut Mustika Putera (Manager of PT. Mitra Sinar Jaya); 7. Business Overview by Resource Person Dr. I Putu Ari Astawa, M.P (Leader of Arcana Farm- Negara).