Success of the 2024 Election, FISIP Udayana Presents 24 Internship Students at KPU Bali Province

Denpasar, In order to help make the election stage a success and also to follow up on the cooperation agreement with the Bali Provincial Election Commission, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University invited 24 students to carry out an internship program at the Bali Provincial KPU. (2/9/2022)

Reflecting on the success of the internship program that was carried out in the odd semester of 2022, as well as the positive response from many parties, FISIP Udayana again sent students to the Bali Provincial KPU to assist in all preparations for the 2024 election stage. Unlike the previous internship program which only invited Political Science students. , this time FISIP Udayana presented 24 students from 3 study programs, namely the public administration study program, the sociology study program, and the political science study program. This is intended to hone students' technical abilities in accordance with their respective scientific fields, and also to expand students' contributions as agents of change in various fields during the preparation for the election stage.

The reception of 24 internship students held in the Bali Provincial KPU Meeting Room, attended by Dr. Drs. I. Furthermore, the 24 internship students will carry out apprenticeship activities for 5 months or one semester at the Bali Provincial KPU.


It is hoped that during the apprenticeship process, students can hone technical skills related to their respective scientific fields, and also related to elections. In addition, the presence of students with different study programs at the Bali Provincial KPU is expected to help increase work effectiveness and productivity, as well as provide breakthroughs or ideas that can help maximize the work quality of the Bali KPU. (tr)