Undergraduate Dentistry Students at Unud's Faculty of Medicine Get Ready for the Digital Dentistry Era


To improve the knowledge of students in the field of Dental Radiology, the Bachelor of Dentistry and Dentistry Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held an expert lecture on Dental Radiology with the theme "Headway Technology of Radiology In Digital Dentistry" located in room C, Building IV. Unud Hospital, Bukit Jimbaran (24/8/2022)


The students from the 2015-2018 class were attended by 90 participants and presented drg. M. Novo Officer Lubis, Sp.RKG, SubSp. Rad.D (K) from Tri Sakti University as a resource person with a moderator, drg. Anak Agung Gde Dananjaya Agung, Sp.RKG.


The purpose of holding this expert lecture is to add insight and knowledge, especially radiology in the field of dentistry related to the development of digital dentistry.


The event was attended and opened by the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M.Kes, who in his speech expressed his appreciation for the fact that the Bachelor of Dentistry and Dentist Profession Study Program can hold expert lectures by inviting experts and consultants in the field of Dental Radiology.


"We are grateful to get expert lectures from sources who are really experts and indeed he is a consultant in the field of Dental Radiology, without a radiologist, we cannot receive the right images, and we are grateful that today we got this topic to prepare for the competency exam," he said.


More Dr. Sudarmaja said the Faculty of Medicine Unud is preparing the infrastructure to carry out the competency exam.

"We from the Dean have struggled so that the facilities and infrastructure needed for the competency exam can be met, hopefully this year it can be completed so that the competency test can later be held here," he explained.


This event was also attended by the President Director of the Unud Hospital, Prof. Dr. dr. I Dewa Made Sukrama, M.Sc., Sp.MK(K), as well as the Lecturers in the Dentistry and Dentistry Profession Study Program, FK Unud.