FK Unud is Preparing to Launch a Clinical Nutrition Specialist Program


In the framework of the plan to establish a study program, the Education Program for Clinical Nutrition Specialist, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University brought 2 visitation teams from the Indonesian College of Clinical Nutrition, namely dr. Sri Sukmaniah M.Sc., Sp.GK (K), and dr. Dadang Arief Primana, M.Sc, Sp.KO, Sp.GK (K), in a hybrid manner with the main location point in Prof.dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah, FK Unud Building, Denpasar. (05/8/2022)


In his speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, said that the background of establishing a clinical nutritionist education study program was due to the limited number of clinical nutrition specialist education centers, but the need for clinical nutritionists will continue to increase and the Strategic Plan of Medical Faculty Unud who wants to develop and expand access to education for the community.


"In terms of human resources, we have sufficient to develop the Clinical Nutrition Study Program and we have received support from Prof. I.G.N.G. As the main teaching hospital, we really hope for input or direction from the collegium so that this proposal can continue and be approved for the opening of the Clinical Nutrition Study Program," he said.


The event continued with a presentation from the Head of the Department which was followed by a discussion session.


Also attending this event were the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp OT(K)., Head of the Department of Clinical Nutrition, dr. Agustinus I Wayan Harimawan, MPH., Sp.GK(K), and the Coordinator of the Development, Learning, and Quality Assurance Unit (UP3M) dr. I Made Winarsa Ruma, Ph.D, as well as all lecturers in the Department of Clinical Nutrition, FK Unud