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a. Background

Bali region is an area which is rich with the values ​​of traditional law and need to be explored, nurtured, and developed in order to enrich the national law. To perform excavation, development and fostering the values ​​of customary law is necessary to prepare experts in the field of law. The rationale for this is the direction of thinking of the Bachelor of Law in Bali who gathered in the Association of Indonesian Law degree (PERSAHI) Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge to the Presidium of Udayana University.

Thoughts and proposals of PERSAHI Bali, Indonesia , acclaim and positive support of the Presidium of the Udayana University in its meeting on Tuesday, July 7, 1964, which took place in the boardroom of the Faculty of Letters Udayana University. Udayana University Presidium meeting with the Dean of the Faculties at the University of Udayana decided to open the Faculty of Law and Society Studies within the University of Udayana start 1964/1965 academic year.

b. The birth of the Faculty of Law

Embodiments of the meeting of the Presidium of the Udayana University with the Deans, set the Preparatory Committee for the Establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge in the Decree of the Presidium of the Udayana University No. 933/Sek/X/UNUD/1964 (attachment 1), dated July 24, 1964, the composition of personnel as follows:

Sastroatmodjo Purwanto, SH; Vice Chairman of the Presidium III Udayana University, as chairman and members; Drs. I Wayan Rendha; Secretary of Udayana University as member of secretary concurrently. Adrinudin Salim, SH; Prosecutors at the Denpasar District attorney, as a member; Th.K. Suraputra, SH; Judge at the Denpasar District Court as members; Suwondo, SH; Army prosecutors Udayana Military Command XVI in Denpasar as a member.

The committee has the task of preparing everything related to the opening of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge Udayana University college starting in 1964/1965.

Presidium Udayana University in realizing the establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge on August 26, 1964 to apply for approval to the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) in Jakarta to issue a Decree on the Establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge Udayana University, through letter No. 939/PS/X/UNUD/64.

In the application letter there are two things put forward as the basis/rationale establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge, namely:

Udayana University which originally consisted of four faculties (Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry and the Teaching and Education), from the date of July 23, 1964 had only three faculties only (Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry) because the Faculty of Education since that date had moved from Udayana University to the Institute of Teacher Training and Education Malang; Existence decision Udayana University Presidium meeting with the Deans of the University of Udayana dated July 7, 1964 on the Establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge.

Based on the request of the Presidium of the University of Udayana, PTIP issued Decree No. 98 of 1964 dated August 26, 1964 on the establishment of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge Udayana University in Denpasar (Attachment 2). In the decree stipulated that "Effective on 1 September 1964 to establish the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge Udayana University in Denpasar with a note that while up to 1965 the cost of implementation is dependent on the outside of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science".

By the Decree of the above Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge Udayana University, the III Anniversary of Udayana University on September 29, 1964, inaugurated its founding by Brig. Jen.Prof.Dr. Sumantri Hardjoprakoso, Assistant Minister and on behalf of the Minister of Higher Education and Science. In his speech he stated inter alia: "......... finally on this occasion dated 29 September 1964 on behalf of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Science I have inaugurated the opening of the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge are instantly became the Faculty of Law of State under Udayana University".

Vision & Mission of the Faculty of Law


The vision of the Faculty of Law, University of Udayana which is a container disciplinary assessment Legal Studies is a derivative of the vision of the University of Udayana.

  1. Udayana University's vision: "The realization of Higher Education Institutions that produce the Human Resources Excellence, Self, and cultured" .
  2. Vision of Faculty of Law, University of Udayana: "Realization of the Faculty of Law Udayana University as an institution of higher education that produce human resources that have a competitive advantage in the field of science and legal expertise, independent, cultured and devoted to God Almighty, and was instrumental in the development context ".

The missions of the Faculty of Law, University of Udayana, namely:

  1. Formulate policy CBC (Curriculum Based Competency);
  2. Develop a learning system which uses the method PBL (Problem Based Learning) and Interactive-Reflective supported by information and communication technology as well as quality assurance system are adequate;
  3. produce graduates who excel, independent, and cultured and have competitive ability at the local, national, and international;
  4. Organizing Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in a structured (planned, organized, and sustained);
  5. Organizing publishing scholarly works in the form of books and journals such as: Journal of national accreditation, the journal of non accreditation/no accredited and international journals;
  6. Improving the quality of institutional functions and human resources, both academic and administrative;
  7. Improve the quantity and quality of educational facilities, research, and community service;
  8. Improve the quantity and quality of cooperation between institutions, both with institutions governments, the private sector at the local, national, and international;
  9. Increase the sensitivity of the institution as well as critical and innovative attitude to policies and actual problems within the framework of the implementation of building programs.
  10. Improving devotion and faith in God Almighty uphold academic honesty, and implement them in the form of courses and related activities.


 "The Dharma of Law: Truth and Justice"

Faculty Name : Faculty of Law
Address : Jl. Pulau Bali No.1, Denpasar-Bali
Telephone : 0361222666
Email : Info@fl.unud.ac.id
Website : https://fl.unud.ac.id/