Workshop Curriculum for Undergraduate Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University

Wednesday, 27 April 2022


The Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program and the Physiotherapy Profession Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held a Curriculum Workshop as a preparation step for accreditation which took place in the Dr. AA Made Djelantik. This workshop was held for two days from 27 to 28 April 2022 with the aim of revising the curriculum, adapting and aligning it with the independent campus learning program.


Also attending the workshop were LP3M Unud representatives, KUI Unud representatives, Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning FK Unud, Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Undergraduate Study Program and Physiotherapy Profession, Head of the Physiotherapy Department, Responsible for Undergraduate Physiotherapy Education, Head of the Department of Medical and Health Education, Hospital network of graduate users and Lecturers of the Department of Physiotherapy.


On this occasion the Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning FK Unud Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, S.Ked., Sp.OT(K) said that this workshop should always be held on time at least once every two years to meet the needs of stakeholders.

"With the development of technology and the times, of course we must continue to make changes so that later we can meet the needs of stakeholders in accordance with our vision and mission, we hope that later what we do here is to provide what is needed by stakeholders so that a new curriculum grows and can be applied to stakeholder needs,” said Dr. Eka.