Improving the Competence of Neonatal Experts, FK Unud Together with UKK Neonatal Indonesia and IDAI Hold a Symposium

The Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK UNUD) in collaboration with UKK Neonatology Indonesia and the Bali Branch of the Indonesian Pediatric Association (IDAI) organized a symposium with the topic: "Respiratory Care Of The Newborn Infant - From The Delivery Room To Childhood" which took place in the meeting room of Dr. A A Made Djelantik, FK Unud Building Denpasar.(15/1/2024)

Bringing in 6 (six) international resource persons from America, Australia, Canada and Singapore, the symposium aims to encourage discussion between physicians trained to be neonatologists and neonatal expert faculty on common conditions seen in neonatal intensive care units.

The topics presented at this symposium are:

1. NeOProM - what went right, what went wrong by Barbara Schmidt (USA)

2. Making sure resuscitation does no harm by Juin Yee Kong (Singapore) 

3. Use it or lose it - the consequences of not feeding a preterm infant by Josef Neu (USA)

4. Ventilating the preterm and term infant in hypoxic respiratory failure by Martin Keszler (USA)

5. Pulmonary hypertension - with and without nitric oxide by Steve Abman (USA)

6. A pain free NICU by Ju Lee Oei (Australia)

This activity was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT (K), on this occasion Dr. Eka expressed his hope that this event could provide knowledge and information that could give birth to neonatal experts at FK Unud and be the beginning of a sustainable international collaboration between FK Unud and the institutions of the speakers.

"I hope that by organizing this event, it can be the starting point for collaboration between FK Unud with IPOKRaTES and the institutions of the speakers who are present today" he said.

This symposium is intended for students of the Pediatric Specialist Education Program (PPDS), and pediatricians with the aim of improving the knowledge and clinical skills of participants.