Maintain the Quality of Study Program Performance Achievements, FK Unud Organizes Workshop on Annual Work Report Preparation

In order to prepare an annual performance report, the Undergraduate Medical and Professional Doctor Study Program held a Workshop on the Preparation of the Study Program Annual Work Report which was held on Friday-Saturday, 1-2 December 2023 at SereS Hotel and Resort, Banjar Jungut Batu, Singakerta, Ubud. 


The activity was attended by all study program managers of both Undergraduate Medical Study Programs and Doctor Professional Study Programs, including representatives of participants from the Faculty of Medicine, Saraswati University (FK Unmas) and the Faculty of Medicine, Ganesha University (FK Undiksha). Chaired by Dr. I Wayan Sumardika, S.Ked., M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., the workshop was opened by the Vice Dean for Academic and Planning, Dr. dr. Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp. OT(K). In his speech, Dr. Eka expressed his hope that this workshop could be held regularly for the smooth evaluation of study program performance and preparation for accreditation.

"We hope that activities like this can be carried out regularly, so that the evaluation of study program performance related to strategic plans, KPIs, and accreditation preparation can be arranged in a systematic report." he said.


The activity began with a presentation and discussion by 3 speakers, namely

1. Material on the management of the Undergraduate Medical Study Program and International Classes at the Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University (FK Unhas), presented by dr. Ririn Nislawati, Sp.M (K) as the Coordinator of the FK Unhas Undergraduate Medical Study Program. 

2. Preparation of the Road Map of Research and Community Service of the Study Program, by the Coordinator of UP2M FK Unud, dr. Agus Eka Darwinata, S.Ked., Ph.D.

3. Management of Study Program Cooperation and Activity Reporting by the UPIKS Coordinator of FK Unud, Dr. dr. I A Ika Wahyuniari, M.Kes.


After the presentation of the material, the activity continued with a meeting to prepare the annual performance report of the study program.