Congratulations: SCIL FH UNUD Delegation Achieves Overall File Ranking and Best Prosecution File in The 18th Indonesian Round of the International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition 2023

Author: SCIL FH UNUD | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Yogyakarta, - Student Community for International Law (SCIL) FH UNUD participated in The 18th Indonesian Round of the International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition 2023 (IHL MCC) held on November 11-12 and 18-19, 2023 by the Indonesian International Red Cross and Gajah Mada University. The SCIL delegation consisted of four students as participants, including Natalia Clara Situmorang (2021), Farah Nadiyah (2021), Paschen Ayu Genta Sarasvathi (2022), and Ratna Emilia (2021), Annisyakira Egiana (2021) as manager, and Made Ananda Bella Cahyani, S.H. and I Komang Dananjaya, S.H. (FH UNUD alumni) as coaches.

This year, the SCIL Delegation received two awards, namely: "Best Overall Memorials" and "Best Prosecutor Memorial" in the IHL MCC. Congratulations and success to the SCIL Delegation of FH UNUD who has added to the academic achievements of FH UNUD.

IHL MCC was held as part of the socialization and promotion of international humanitarian law to students throughout Indonesia. The participants will play the parties in a simulated trial at the International Criminal Court, for war crimes. Initially, the delegation will conduct in-depth research to develop arguments in the court file, followed by a simulated oral trial. On this occasion, the SCIL Delegation successfully passed the file stage and continued the competition until the oral trial stage in the preliminary round which was held online.