Developing Public Speaking Competence of Education Personnel, FK Unud Organizes Master of Ceremony (MC) Training

Developing Public Speaking Competence of Education Personnel, FK Unud Organizes Master of Ceremony (MC) Training


In order to support the smooth running of events organized by the institution and in order to improve soft skills in the field of public speaking, the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) held a Master of Ceremony (MC) training at the Prof. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah room, FK Unud Building, Denpasar. (24/11/2023).


In collaboration with Santy Sastra Public Speaking training institute, this activity was attended by 25 people from FK Unud education staff and presented two resource persons namely Putu Suprapti Santy Sastra, SH., CHt., CI. and Nur Holifah.


This training was attended and opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH, Ph.D. who in his remarks said that this activity was a very important activity for agencies considering that the Faculty of Medicine Udayana University has 34 study programs with a variety of activities both formal and informal. 

"The hope is that after the training is carried out, feedback on the material and practice obtained by the participants during this training process can produce reliable MCs at FK Unud to support the smooth running of events organized by the faculty" he said.


This event was also attended by the Administrative Coordinator Ni Ketut Dewi Megawati, SH., MH. and the entire Subcoordinator at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.