Release of ALSA LC UNUD Delegation for the 2023 Dalihan Natolu Cup Moot Court Competition at the University of North Sumatra

Author: ALSA LC UNUD | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, - Asian Law Student's Association Local Chapter (ALSA LC) UNUD organized the Release of the Udayana University Delegation for the 2023 Dalihan Natolu Cup Moot Court Competition on Saturday (04/11/2023). The number of UNUD ALSA LC delegates who participated in the competition was 17 students. The competition was organized by the University of North Sumetera on November 17-20, 2023. 

The release was held at the Denpasar Corruption Court. This release was carried out with a series of joint prayers and official release by the Vice Dean III FH UNUD and Supervising Lecturer.