Holding a National Entrepreneurship Seminar, BEM FKH Collaborates to IntroduceBusiness Maggot For All Participants

On Sunday, October 22 2023, the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Udayana University (UNUD) held a National Entrepreneurship Seminar with the theme”Creating Young Entrepreneur With Creativity, Innovation, and Independence”. This National Seminar was held offline in the Meeting Room on the first floor of the Sudirman campus and online via Cisco Webex at 12.30 WITA until 18.05 WITA.



This National Seminar was held with the aim of introducing entrepreneurship that can be carried out in the job prospects of a veterinarian and increasing student interest and motivation in entrepreneurship. This activity was also opened symbolically by the Dean of FKH UNUD, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si. The Dean of FKH UNUD in his speech said that an entrepreneurial spirit must exist within us, even though later we will become veterinarians because from an entrepreneurial spirit we can look for good opportunities for the future and can create new jobs.


The National Entrepreneurship Seminar presented two speakers who were of course very experienced in entrepreneurship, namely Mrs. Komala Inggarwati, SE., M.M., M.Bus., (Mgt.), Ph.D, and I Putu Soma Rolandwika, a Maggot entrepreneur at Magi Farm .


Paper presented by Mr. Komala Inggarwati, SE., M.M., M.Bus., (Mgt)., Ph.Dhow to build a business, how to form entrepreneur young people who are creative, innovative and independent, and create business strategies.The webinar participants were very enthusiastic about listening to the presentation of the material, this could be seen from the active seminar participants


After the presentation of material one, continued with the presentation of the second material by I Putu Soma Rolandwika regarding pIntroduction and explanation of maggot breeding media. The presentation of this second material was no less interesting, because the participants were very interactive during the discussion session. This national entrepreneurship seminar also closed with the provision of second material, and continued with the ISBAMA session by offline participants.




After the ISBAMA session is over,log in to the session workshop The first was presented by Ni Nyoman Rida Bimastini, S.E. In this session, participants demonstrated directly feeding maggots from organic food waste, and harvesting maggots that were ready for sale. Participants can experience the direct sensation of harvesting maggots.


The first session closed with documentation in front of the Saraswati statue, and continued with the second session.Workshop These two were presented directly by Mrs. Komala Ingarwati, SE., M.M., M.Bus., (Mgt)., Ph.D. Participants are invited directly to create business plan in groups, and presented directly in front of the participants, and this session ended with the awarding of prizes to the group that was the best in creating a business plan.


“National seminar activities and workshop This entrepreneurship is very interesting, because I think the purpose of the activity is conveyed to the participants, and with it workshop Maggot Experience "makes this activity even more interesting, especially in adding to my experience," he saidFaustina Apriliani Doluas one of the participants present.