The Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University (Fapet Unud) carried out piodalan at Padmasana, Fapet Unud, Bukit Jimbaran. The implementation of the piodalan coincided with the Fifth Full Moon which was held on Sunday, 29 October 2023. The implementation of the piodalan was attended by the entire academic community of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Unud, including lecturers, education staff, and students. This piodalan activity was carried out through joint prayers by the entire academic community of Fapet Unud, with the aim of praying together so that all educational activities at Fapet Unud would run smoothly.

On the Full Moon day, Hindus perform prayers as a form of yadnya or a request to Sang Hyang Chandra to be able to melt away all the dirt of sins (mala) committed by humans during their lives so that they can become clean again. God in his manifestation as Sang Hyang Chandra does yoga or meditates on the Full Moon day, so Hindus celebrate it through a series of prayers to help purify themselves physically and mentally. Being pure physically and mentally means that not only the cleanliness of visible things needs to be maintained, but also pure soul, thoughts, words, and actions must always be applied to achieve true happiness. The core activities of piodalan last for approximately 3 hours, from 10.00 WITA to 13.00 WITA.