Batuan Sehat: Stop Stunting for a Smarter Indonesian Generation
Batuan Sehat: Stop Stunting for a Smarter Indonesian Generation As a form of realization of the SDGs as well as the vision and mission of the Indonesian state, KKN-T FISIP 2023 students held an outreach regarding the dangers of stunting as a form of preventive activity in Batuan Village. This is also done in order to maintain health, namely the health of mothers and children in the village. 2023 Batuan Village KKN-T students at Udayana University held their first work program regarding socialization of the dangers of stunting with the theme "Stop Stunting for a Smarter Indonesian Generation" on Saturday, September 30 2023.
The aim of carrying out this outreach activity is as a form of education for pregnant women, as well as young mothers and young women about the dangers of stunting in the hope of reducing stunting cases in Indonesia. This activity was opened directly by the Batuan Village Headquarters, Mr. Ari Anggara. Located in space
Village Perbekel Office meeting, this activity was attended by 11 people who were pregnant women, young mothers, and also young women from every banjar in Batuan Village.
This socialization also featured speakers from the Gianyar District Health Service, as well as lecturers from the Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University as resource persons. This activity began with material from the Nutrition Lecturer, Mrs. Dr. Kadek Tresna Adhi, S.KM, M.Kes. He explained material regarding the impact that would occur if a child experienced stunting from a physiological perspective which would also have an impact on the child's future. Not only did she bring material, Mrs. Kadek provided dream games as well as education about good consumption for children to prevent stunting. This game was closed by giving prizes from Mrs. Kadek to the participants.
Dr. Kadek Tresna Adhi, S.KM, M.Kes (left) and Ni Made Sri Suliatini (right) delivered material about stunting. The socialization continued with material from the Gianyar Health Service, Mrs. Ni Made Sri Suliatini, who explained further material regarding ways to prevent stunting and its treatment, complete with data on stunting cases that occurred, especially in Gianyar Regency. The enthusiasm of the participants could be seen from their active participation in the games and also their participation during the discussion session.
Dream Games - Dr. Kadek Tresna Adhi, S.KM, M.Kes explained the game rules. This activity closed with a closing statement from each speaker. Wrong
the only one is Mrs. Kadek. "A lot (of people) doesn't mean good, a few but the knowledge can be spread to everyone is better," said Mrs. Kadek closing the socialization session.