SCIL FH UNUD Holds International Seminar

Author: SCIL Team FH UNUD | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team

Denpasar, - Student Community for International Law (SCIL) Local Chapter (LC) UNUD has organized SCIL Seminar International 2023. The theme of this seminar is "Dispute Settlement: Strengthening Peace and Security through United Nations Security Council Resolutions". This seminar was held on Sunday (10/09/2023) online through a zoom meeting, with 383 participants registering and presenting 3 speakers.

The first speaker, Tjokorda Istri Diah Widyantari Pradnya Dewi, S.H., M.H (Lecturer at the International Law Lab / Section of FH UNUD); Second, I Komang Dananjaya, S.H. (Alumni of FH UNUD) and the third speaker, Dr. Klara Plackova Van Der Ploe (Assistant Professor of Law University of Nothingham).