Stunting Education and Emergency First Aid for Children in Kerta Mandala Abang Karangasem Village

Stunting Education and Emergency First Aid for Children in Kerta Mandala Abang Karangasem Village


Janar Dūta TBM Together with LPPM FK Udayana University and Udayana University KKN PPM Team Kerta Mandala Village Provided Education Regarding Stunting and Child Emergency First Aid to PKK mothers in Kerta Mandala Village, Abang District, Karangasem Bali.

In order to increase knowledge regarding the importance of adequate nutritional intake during the growth and development of children and basic knowledge regarding first aid in children, members of the Janar Dūta Medical Assistance Team in collaboration with LPPM Udayana University Faculty of Medicine and KKN PPM Unud Students in Kerta Mandala Village held stunting education activities and first aid for emergency cases in children, which took place on Friday 18 August 2023 which took place at the Kerta Mandala Village Hall, Abang District, Karangasem Bali.

There are two main materials that are the topic of discussion at this educational event:

1. Stunting Prevention delivered by dr. Dewa Gede Windu Sanjaya, Sp.A.

2. First Aid for Emergency Cases in Children delivered by dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Jayadhi Widyakusuma, Sp.A.

This activity targeted PKK mothers in Kerta Mandala Village and was carried out smoothly. This event was attended by dr. I Gusti Ngurah Pramesemara, S.Ked, M.Biomed, Sp.And as coach and chairman of the committee, Mr. Ida Bagus Nyoman Putra Dwija, S.Si, M. Biotech, Ph.D as DPL KKN PPM Unud XXVII and opened by Mr. I Made Mardika, as the representative of the Head of Kerta Mandala Village. It is hoped that through this activity it will be able to increase awareness, understanding and knowledge of the community in preventing stunting and handling emergency cases in children.