FK Udayana Medical Faculty Cancer Care Student Community Provides Education to the Community of Sangeh Village, Badung.

As an annual community service work program, the Semi-Autonomous Body for Cancer Care Student Community, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (KOMPAK FK Unud) again held Grebeg Desa 2023. This year, the activity was held at Banjar Pacung, Sangeh Village, Badung, with the target of the general public starting on the 26th -28 July 2023. The activity lasted for 3 days with a series of activities that began with the opening by the Sangeh Village Headman, then continued door to door cancer counseling. On the second day, free health services and cervical cancer detection were carried out, cadre for PKK women, and on the third day, donations in the form of groceries were distributed to all the people of Banjar.


The purpose of holding this activity is as one of the manifestations of the vision and mission of the FK Unud Cancer Concern Student Community, with several important foundations, including: prevention (preventive), detection (screening), support (supportive and healing). By holding the Grebeg Desa 2023 activity, it is hoped that it will be able to increase efforts to disseminate information, increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining health by early detection of cancer and provide support to cancer survivors.