KOMPAK National Seminar 2023

The Cancer Care Student Community through the production and business funding divisions is holding a 2023 compact national seminar with the theme "Improving Awareness, Refining Perception in Cancer Prevention". (14/05/2023)


This activity was carried out in order to disseminate factual information related to the topic of cancer that will be presented.

This seminar presents speakers who are competent in their fields, namely:

Speaker 1 : dr. I Putu Ari Gunawan, S.Ked,. M. Biomed,. Sp. B (K) Onk

Speaker 2 : Prof.Dr.dr. H. Muhammad Totong Kamaluddin, MSc, SpFK

Moderator Gabriella Rosa Theofani, S.Ked.


The seminar was opened by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D. He said that Kompak's Semnas activities were expected to increase student and community awareness and that Kompak could expand the outreach of public education through participating in competitions and research.


This activity was also attended by BSO Kompak Trustees, Prof. Dr. dr. I.B. Tjakra Wibawa Manuaba, MPH., Sp.B(K)Onk., FINACS., and dr. Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Manik Yuniawaty Wetan, Sp.B(K)Onk., Head of BEM FK Unud, Head of BSO Kompak, and seminar participants who came from students, the general public, and health technicians.