Centralized National Evaluation of Pediatrics Specialists

Centralized National Evaluation of Pediatrics Specialists


As a final evaluation of pediatric health specialist education at the national level, the Pediatrics Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University together with the Indonesian Pediatrics Collegium held a Centralized National Evaluation (ENT) from 6-7 May 2023 at the Cakra Vidya Usadha Building, FK Unud, Denpasar.


ENT was held in the form of OSCE and long cases which were attended by 63 participants from various Pediatrician Educational Institutions (IPDSA) in Indonesia. The OSCE exam was carried out involving 15 examiners and the long case exam involved 36 examiners from 15 IPDSA.


In this exam, 5 participants from the University of Indonesia (UI), Padjadjaran University (Unpad) and Airlangga University (Unair) managed to graduate with honors.