Collaboration with the Judicial Commission: Organize Code of Ethics and Advocacy Clinic

Author: UPIKS FH UNUD Team | Editor: Md Suksma PDS


Denpasar, - FH UNUD has extended its cooperation with an official institution of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the Judicial Commission. The Judicial Commission is a credible institution established for judge accountability with a mission to improve the integrity and capacity of judges as well as institutional strengthening and empowering public participation. The cooperation visit of the Judicial Commission was received directly by the Dean of FH UNUD accompanied by the Coordinator of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit. There were 2 representatives from the Central Judicial Commission (Jakarta), namely: Lina Maryani, SH, MH (Head of Advocacy and Capacity Building of Judges-Bureau of Recruitment, Advocacy and Capacity Building of Judges of the Judicial Commission), Septi Melinda, S.Psi, M.Psi. T. (Head of Judges Recruitment Section-Bureau of Recruitment, Advocacy and Capacity Building of Judges of Judicial Commission) and 2 Judicial Commission Liaisons in Bali.


This cooperation is a program of the Judicial Commission which in 2022 has been carried out with several universities in Indonesia, such as Indonesia Jentera School of Law, UIN Sunan Ampel Subaya, Sriwijaya University, Andalas University, Mulawarman University, Hasnuddin University. In 2023, the Judicial Commission collaborated with Sam Ratulangi University and Udayana University (UNUD). The implementation of cooperation is carried out by organizing an Ethics and Advocacy Clinic which consists of 3 programs, namely: Study, Laboratory, Practice and Community Service.


The implementation of the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic begins with training for mentors who are lecturers of FH UNUD and selection of 25 FH UNUD students who will be participants in the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic. Clinic activities will be carried out for the next 6 months by providing material that refers to related legal instruments and practices that go directly to court. The objectives of the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic include preventing / reducing acts of degrading the honor of judges, increasing student and / or public awareness of court order and making students as prospective bearers of the legal profession to have an understanding and spirit of respect for judges and courts.