The Student Executive Board of the Student Family of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University Organizes Upgrading 2023
Student Family Student Executive Board (BEM-KM) Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University held Upgrading 2023 activities as well as the inauguration of BEM-KM Fapet Udayana functional members for the 2023 period, located at Alam Tirta Outbound, Banjar Samuan Kangin, Carangsari Village, Petang District, Badung Regency for 3 days (10-12 February 2023). Carry out activities offline by complying with health protocols. The event was opened by the Dean who was represented by Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Information Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S.Pt., M.P., and was attended by the Chairperson of BEM and members of BEM-KM Fapet Unud functionaries for the 2023 period.
This year's upgrading event has the theme "Harmonious Asa to Realize the Metamorphosis of an Organization with Integrity". The purpose of carrying out this upgrading activity is to increase knowledge in organizing professionally, critically, and responsibly in each institution that is sheltered; Improving the performance of all Functionaries of the Student Executive Body of the Student Family of the Faculty Udayana University Animal Husbandry Improving solidarity, Innovative and Creative for all Functionaries of the Student Family Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University. This Upgrading activity was attended by all functional members of BEMKM FAPET UNUD 2023. It is hoped that after participating in this upgrading activity the Functionaries of BEMKM FAPET UNUD 2023 will be able to find out and understand the administration and workflow of BEMKM FAPET UNUD 2023, creating a sense of solidarity and familiarity in the organization. The material provided includs: Time Management, Professional & Family, CriticaThinkingng & Problem Solving, and KM Memo.
Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Information, Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S.Pt., MP, in his remarks expressed his appreciation for the committee for being able to organize this event and through this event, it can be used as a venue to improve self-quality so that they have the ability to organize critically and professionally. "We hope that after participating in this event in the future students can understand what their duties are and establish a high sense of solidarity among students," said Dr. Sumerta.