KMPA FK Unud Improves Member Capability in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Management
The AIDS Concern Student Group (KMPA) of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, is holding an online World AIDS Day 2022 National Webinar in the context of World AIDS Day with the theme "Self-action to Improve Self-ability in the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS". (27/11/2022)
This webinar was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, who in his speech expressed his appreciation to KMPA for its consistency in holding a work program to spread knowledge about HIV/AIDS given the very high urgency.
"Hopefully the World AIDS Day KMPA FK UNUD National Webinar in 2022 can open minds and broaden participants' insight into the current condition of HIV/AIDS and is able to move participants to contribute to fighting the stigma against PLHIV. My hope is that the information obtained can be shared with the community starting from the smallest scope of participants, aligned with the role of students as agents of change." he said.
World AIDS Day National Webinar KMPA FK Unud 2022 guided by a moderator
dr. I Made Oka Negara, S. Ked, M.Biomed, FIAS invited 3 resource persons namely:
1. dr. Pande Putu Januraga, S.Ked., M.Kes., DrPH with the material "Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U), is it Right?"
2.Dr. dr. I Made Susila Utama, Sp.PD- KPTI, FINASIM with the material "Update on the Latest HIV AIDS Management Therapy"
3. dr. Jeffry Kristiawan, S.Ked. with the material "How to Make Effective Social Media for HIV AIDS Education"
The event ended with the announcement of the door prize, the most active participant and the best questioner.