Criminal Law Community FH UNUD Organizes Criminal Law Class Vol. 2


Denpasar---Saturday, November 5, 2022 Criminal Law Class Vol.2 Activities Vol.2 Criminal Law Class activities organized by the UNUD Faculty of Law student community who are members of the Criminal Law Community (CLC). This activity is a continuation of the previous Criminal Law Class activities (Vol. I) and aims to provide basic knowledge of criminal law regarding Intentional and Negligence which of course will add insight and can develop critical thinking patterns when analyzing legal cases that occur in the community. Dr. Ida Bagus Surya Dharma, SH, MH as Chair of the Criminal Law Lab/Section of FH UNUD as well as the Advisor for the Semi-Autonomous Body (BSO) of CLC gave a speech while opening the Criminal Law Class event which was held online and invited one of the lecturers in the Criminal Law Lab/Department , Dr. Diah Ratna Sari Hariyanto, SH, MH as the speaker. This activity was attended by participants from the Faculty of Law UNUD students with a total of 190 (one hundred and ninety) people and took place interactively. (Unud FH CLC Team).