The Ministry of Health, the Bali Provincial Health Office, and the Faculty of Medicine Unud Work Together to Prevent Rabies in Bali.


Increased transmission of rabies cases in Bali Province, Master of Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Unud, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control held a Reflection Seminar on Handling Rabies Cases in Bali 2010-2022 at the Cakra Vidya Usadha Building, 3rd Floor, Room Tjokorda Rai meeting. (22/6/2022)


Presenting resource person I Wayan Widia, SKM., M.Kes (Bali Provincial Health Office), drh. I Putu Tarumanegara (Denpasar Agricultural Quarantine Center), Janice Gerardi (Founder of Bali Animal Welfare Association), and Corlevin Kalalo, this seminar was held with the aim of increasing participants' understanding in dealing with and preventing the spread of rabies in the province of Bali.


Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning FK Unud. Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K) in his speech expressed his great appreciation for the holding of this seminar and hoped to collaborate with any institutions from outside or from within Udayana University.

"Through this seminar, we hope to be able to open our horizons and invite all components to build education and health services, because without it we cannot do the best for the community, especially regarding the handling of rabies in Bali, because Bali is the center of tourism destinations so this is where the role of institutions and health agencies are urgently needed.” he said.


This event was also attended by the coordinator of the Master of Public Health Sciences Study Program, Dr. dr. Anak Agung Sagung Sawitri, MPH., Dr. drh. I Made Subrata, M.Erg, as well as all lecturers and students of the Master of Public Health Study Program, FK Unud.