Implementation of Journalism Training for Faculty of Engineering Students with the title Build the Great Journalist

Wednesday, June 15, 2022, a Journalistic Training for Students of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University with the theme "Build The Great Journalist" was held offline at the Dean Building, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. This activity is specifically for all Maestro members, through this activity it is hoped that the Maestro Student Journalism Team of the Faculty of Engineering can build and develop their potential, especially in the field of journalism.

Opening by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University


The 2022 Student Journalism Training Activities received very good enthusiasm from all participants from the Faculty of Engineering. This training was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning at the Faculty of Engineering, invited lecturers and resource persons who have a lot of experience in the field of journalism. The event took place with the presentation of material on the basics of journalism by 3 resource persons.

Dr. Ras Amanda Gelgel, S.Sos., M.Si 


The first resource person is Dr. Ras Amanda Gelgel, S.Sos., M.Si who is the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences, University. Mrs. Amanda explained about the basic principles as a journalist, determining the target market/target as a journalist. Not only the material, he also shared the experience he got while being a journalist for 9 years, which made the training atmosphere very enjoyable.


Ni Nyoman Galuh Sri Wedari


After that, the presentation of the material was continued by the second resource person, namely Ni Nyoman Galuh Sri Wedari, Editor in Chief of the Academic Press for 2020/2021, the material presented was about interview techniques which included how a journalist can interview well in the field, professionalism as a journalist and the Journalistic Code of Ethics. . As journalists, we have a code of ethics for the press so that we should not arbitrarily conduct interviews or make news. Galuh Sri Wedari also advised to prioritize ethics in conducting interviews and always make the interviewees feel comfortable with our questions and attitudes as journalists.

Ni Komang Yuko Utami


Finally, the material regarding Reporting was delivered by the third resource person, namely, Ni Komang Yuko Utami, Deputy Chair of LPM Pers Akademika in 2021/2022. In his material, the points conveyed were observations of how a journalist observes a situation in the field so that it can be conveyed to the public correctly and detailed, then the next point is the procedure for reporting as a reporter. In the presentation of the material, Komang Yuko Utami or who is usually called Yuko also gave several quizzes given to the participants of the Student Journalism Training so as to make the atmosphere of delivering the material very interactive.


The continuity of this training is highly anticipated because in the previous year the Student Journalism Training could not take place due to the post-covid-19 pandemic. It is hoped that this year's training can have a good impact on all other students, especially members of the Maestro study group so that they can improve the abilities of young journalists, raise new seeds of journalists who understand journalism, and can implement journalistic principles while still paying attention to the Code of Ethics. Journalism. So that young journalists in the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University become qualified journalists.