Continuing Medical Education (PKB) in Child Health Sciences XXIII

Saturday, May 21, 2022


Insight regarding emergency management, especially in the field of cardiology, is a skill that must be possessed by a doctor in order to provide optimal service to the community.


Based on these conditions, the Department/KSM of Pediatrics, FK Unud/RSUP Sanglah held a Continuing Medical Education (PKB) IKA XXIII with the topic "Common Pediatric Cardiovascular Emergencies: highlights on

comprehensive management in cardiology, intensive care, hemato-oncology, neurology,

neonatology, and tropical diseases"


The Dean of FK Unud, Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes who on this occasion was present virtually in his speech said "Medical science is a science that continues to develop and can change over time. Therefore, it is very important for a doctor to continue to update knowledge so that he can "Being a doctor also means having to be able to handle emergencies and those that can happen at any time and race against my time so that it requires fast and accurate treatment," he said.


This CLA involves the subdivisions of cardiology, pediatric emergency department, hemato-oncology, gastrohepatology, neonatology, neurology, and tropical infections. According to the Head of the Department of Child Health, dr. IB Gede Suparyatha, SpA(K)., the purpose of holding PKB IKA XXIII is expected to increase the knowledge and skills of health workers, especially in the emergency field so that they can provide optimal, integrated, and accurate services according to the competence of a general practitioner in health services both at the community level , services, primary, secondary and tertiary health.


This time the PKB was also attended by the Head of the Bali Provincial Health Office, the Chair of the IDI for the Bali Region, the Head of the Denpasar Branch of IDI, the Head of IDAI Bali, and the Coordinator of the Child Health Study Program.