Study Program Website

History of Archeology

Archeology Study Program (formerly Department of Ancient) is one of the study programs in the Udayana Faculty of Literature of Airlangga University which was formalized on 29 September 1958 by President Dr.Ir. Soekarno. Archeology then became an independent part of Udayana University on 17 August 1962 based on the Decision of Minister of College and Science No. 104 year 1962 and reinforced by the Decision of the President of Republic of Indonesia No .18 Year 1963 which also legitimizes the establishment of Udayana University. Archeology Study Program is a part of that history.
The current concentrations are Prehistoric Archeology, Classical Archeology, Epigraphy, and Museum.


Vision Mission of Archeology


In 2020 realizing archeology study program which is a scientific institution with insights, integrity, and identity based on culture in local, national, and global context, as well as high quality human resources which is able to develop and implement science, technology, art, and culture.


  1. Carrying out and organizing archeology education which is adaptive and responsive to local and national development;
  2. Carrying out and organizing researches in the field of archeology and its applied sciences to help the development of other sciences and can be used to solve real problems in the society;
  3. Implementing results of researches in the field of archeology and its applied sciences as a form of community service;
  4. Creating graduates who are high quality, independent, professional and responsive to problems around them;
  5. Maintaining and developing harmonious relation among academicians in performing daily tasks in the Department or faculty; 
  6. Creating and developing partnerships with government and private institutions as media to improve the quality of the institution, develop science and increase the role in the society 


Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi

NIP : 19591010 198602 1

Nama Pejabat : Drs. I Wayan Srijaya, M.Hum

Periode Awal : 0000-00-00

Periode Akhir : 0000-00-00

Website :

Faculty Name : Archeology
Address : Jl. P. Nias 13 Denpasar Bali
Telephone : 0361 - 224121 or 0361 - 255319
Email :
Website :