NASWAAM 2024: "Comprehensive Management In Anti-Aging Medicine"


"Comprehensive Management In Anti-Aging Medicine"

The Anti-Aging Medicine Study Center, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University collaborates with the Indonesian Center for Anti-Aging Medicine (INCAAM), and the Association of Andrology Specialist Doctors (Persandi) to hold the 2024 National Symposium and Workshop in Anti-Aging Medicine (NASWAAM) at the Prime Plaza Hotel , Sanur, 2-4 February 2024. The activity was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, was opened by the Chancellor of Udayana University, represented by Deputy Chancellor IV, Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes.

The event was attended by 205 participants from among doctors and Anti-Aging Medicine practitioners from all corners of the country. In NASWAAM 2024, a free scientific paper competition will also be held to compete for the Indonesian Award for Anti-Aging Medicine. As national speakers, competent speakers have been brought in, namely:

1.Dr. Dr. Rita Lahirin, M. Biomed(AAM), M. Gizi.

2.Dr. Dr. Dian Andriani RD, Sp.D.V.E, M.Biomed, MARS, SH, MH, FINSDV, FAADV.

3.Dr. Fransiska Mochtar, SpOG., Subsp. Obginsos., S.H. M. Biomed(AAM).

4. dr. Nugroho Setiawan, M.Kes, SpAnd.SubSpSAAM, Dr (AAM)

5. dr. Henti Widowati, MBiomed(AAM)

6. dr. Ni Putu Ary Widhyasti Bandem, MKes, Sp.D.V.E, FINSDV, FAADV

7. dr. Erivia D. Pangkahila, MBiomed, Sp.D.V.E.

8. dr. Kishanty Hardaningtyas, MBiomed(AAM)

9. dr. Heru Oentoeng, M. Repro, Sp. And. Subsp. SAAM, Dr(AAM)

10. dr. Nenden Sobarna, M.M. Sp.D.V.E., FINSDV, Dr (AAM)

11. dr. Liza Wijaya, MBiomed(AAM), MPharm

12. dr. Johanes Soedjono, M.Kes, SpAnd.SubSp.SAAM, and

13.Dr. Dr. I Rika Haryono, SpKO.

This NASWAAM 2024 event has the theme "COMPREHENSIVE MANAGEMENT IN ANTI-AGING MEDICINE", by presenting very interesting topics including;

1) True Concept of Anti-Aging Medicine,

2) Final Goal of Anti-Aging Medicine,

3) Obesity and Aging Process,

4) Skin Rejuvenating,

5) Stem Cell Therapy is Anti-Aging Medicine,

6) Hormones and Aging Process,

7) Risks and Benefits of the Treatment in Anti-Aging Medicine,

8) Vaccines and Aging,

9) Aging and Brain,

10) Sexual Function and Aging Process,

11) Aesthetic Intervention in Anti-Aging Medicine,

12) Erectile Dysfunction Update,

13) Nutritional Aspects in Anti-Aging Medicine, 14) Exercise in Anti-Aging Medicine, and a series of Case Reports on Hormonal Aspects in Anti-Aging Medicine and Aesthetic Workshop.

Chairman of the Committee Prof. Dr. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And, Subsp.SAAM hopes that during the three days of this event, participants will receive more updated information regarding prevention and comprehensive management in the field of Anti-Aging Medicine. "The challenges of the science of Anti-Aging Medicine are increasingly complex, all doctors must understand the concepts and prevention efforts as well as appropriate treatment steps in the field of Anti-Aging Medicine. Because the ultimate goal of applying the science of Anti-Aging Medicine is Good and Very Good Quality of Life, " he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chancellor IV of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes., expressed pride in the NASWAAM event which has remained consistent and always in demand until this year, after thirteen events. "What Udayana University has done in creating the first Anti-Aging-Medicine postgraduate program in the world, including in organizing routine and prestigious NASWAAM scientific activities, must continue to be appreciated," he said.

As speakers, moderators and facilitators at NASWAAM 2024, lecturers and former lecturers from the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, were involved, namely;

1. Prof. Dr. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd, Subsp. SAAM,

2. Prof. Dr. Dr. Alex Pangkahila, M.Med.Sc., SpAnd.Subsp.SAAM.,

3. Prof. Dr. Dr. AAG Budhiartha, Sp.PD, SubSp.EMD,

4.Dr. Dr. Thomas Eko Purwata, Sp.N, SubSp.NN(K), FAAN,

5.Dr. Dr. AAGP Wiraguna, Sp.DVE, SubSp.Ven,

6.Dr. Dr. Gde Ngurah Indraguna Pinatih, MS, Sp.GK(K),.

7. Dr, dr. AAAN Susraini, Sp.PA, SubSp.SP(K),

8. dr. Made Oka Country. M. Biomed, FIAS,

9. dr. IGA Dewi Ratnayanti, M. Biomed (AAM),

10. dr. IGN Pramesemara, M. Biomed, Sp. And,

11.Dr. Dr. A.A.A Putri Laksmidewi, Sp.N.Subsp.NGD(K),

12.Dr. Dr. Syuma Adhi Awan, MKes., SpGK(K), and

13 Dr. Dr. I Dewa Ayu Inten Dwi Primayanti, MBiomed(AAM).

The resource persons were also supported by the INCAAM team consisting of: dr. Rosalina Silvia Dewi, M. Biomed (AAM), dr. Rusmiasih Anom, M. Biomed(AAM), dr. Dina Andaka, M. Biomed (AAM), Chandrawati, M. Biomed (AAM), and dr. Kadek Trisnadewi, M. Biomed (AAM).

The participants welcomed and gave very positive feedback about this event and hope to take part in the NASWAAM agenda again in 2025.