Promotion of New Doctoral Program S3 Law Science FH UNUD: Komang Edy Dharma Saputra

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - Congratulations and success to Komang Edy Dharma Saputra on the promotion of Doctor of Law Science in the Doctoral Program (S3) of Law Science FH UNUD. The dissertation entitled Regulatory Policies for Balinese Fermented and / or Distilled Beverages Based on Justice and Welfare" was defended in front of the Promoter Team: Prof. Dr. I Wayan Parsa, SH, M.Hum, Dr. I Gede Artha, SH, MH, Dr. Ni Nyoman Sukerti, SH, MH. and 4 other examiners.

The dissertation of Dr. Komang Edy Dharma Saputra who works as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Mahendratta University raises 3 problem formulations, namely: (1) What is the nature of the regulation of Balinese fermented and/or distilled beverages?; (2) How is the regulation of Balinese fermented and/or distilled beverages in the ius constitutum perspective?; (3) How is the concept of regulatory construction of Balinese fermented and/or distilled beverages based on justice and welfare?. 

The results showed that the construction concept of the regulation of Balinese fermented and/or distilled beverages based on justice and welfare in the future must be outlined in a Regional Regulation. Pouring in the form of Regional Regulation is very important to put the production license of fermented and/or distilled Balinese beverages and criminal sanctions for perpetrators who violate the provisions of the manufacture and distribution of fermented and/or distilled Balinese beverages and contains the obligation of the government to carry out the function of supervision and control of alcoholic beverages without having to obstruct the economic rights of producers of fermented and/or distilled Balinese beve