A Series of Commemoration of World Mental Health Day 2023, FK Unud Provides Child Anxiety Education in Post-Pandemic Face-to-Face Learning

Department / PSM Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine Udayana University / RSUP Prof. Dr. I. G. N. G. Ngoerah held the Udayana Mengabdi Program activities in the form of Community Service at SMP Negeri 1 Tampaksiring on October 12, 2023. An integrated activity that collaborates with Hospital Health Promotion (PKRS) RSUP Prof Dr I.G.N.G Ngoerah which is coupled with the commemoration of World Mental Health Day this year with the international theme "Mental Health is a Univeral Human Right".


The event was opened and welcomed by the Principal of SMPN 1 Tampaksiring, Dra. Sri Mulyati Darmayuni, M.Si. After the official opening, the event then continued with counseling by I Gusti Ayu Indah Ardani, dr., Sp.K.J, Subsp A.R(K), Ni Ketut Putri Ariani, dr., Sp.K.J, Subsp K.L(K) and PKRS RSUP Prof Dr I.G.N.G Ngoerah. On this occasion, the topic presented was Counseling on Handling Children's Anxiety in Post-Pandemic Face-to-Face Learning at Tampaksiring Regional Schools. 


This activity aims to outline that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about major changes in the way students learn. During the pandemic students learned online while now they are required to learn face-to-face (offline). This change in situation has made some students experience anxiety. This integrated activity aims to provide an understanding of how to identify signs of anxiety in school children, provide the necessary support and teach easy-to-use relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety. This counseling is expected to help students feel more comfortable returning to school, provide information about safe schools, and socialize ways to seek support when needed.