Udayana University Nursing Students Hold PHBS Parade Program for Elderly Banjar Mandala Sari East Denpasar

The Clean and Healthy Living Behavior Parade (PHBS) as an effort to increase awareness of the elderly in implementing healthy behavior is a student creativity program that operates within the scope of community service. Elderly people often forget to maintain personal hygiene, adequate nutritional intake patterns or physical health. This happens because as they get older, the elderly have limitations in decreasing their memory, which affects their physical, psychological and social conditions. Other impacts that can be experienced by the elderly are stress due to a large workload at home, lack of quality sleep.


The PKM-PM PHBS Parade involved three students from semester 3 and semester 5 of the Bachelor of Nursing and Professional Nursing Education Study Program (PSSKPPN) at Udayana University, including Stivani Maria Fransisca Putri as chairman, Ni Putu Manik Tara Bidari Gangga Mahaswari as member 1, and Ni Kadek Yunda Virdian Purnami as member 2. With this program, the PHBS Parade team is guided by PSSKPN lecturers, namely Dr. NS. Putu Ayu Sani Utami, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom. This program was implemented eight times with partners and once for cadre training. The PHBS parade was held at Br. Mandala Sari, Dangin Puri Kelod Village, East Denpasar, which was attended by 20 elderly people.


Before going into the field, the group took the time to meet with cadres at Br. Mandala Sari to ask about the situation of the elderly here. Indeed, in this banjar there are many elderly people, but only a few are active in routine banjar activities such as gymnastics and posyandu. Even the elderly in Banjar Mandala Sari received education regarding PHBS before Covid so that the elderly in Banjar Mandala Sari were eligible to upgrade to new knowledge which could later be applied at home. Several elderly people in Banjar Mandala Sari also had difficulty sleeping, so the group decided that apart from providing education, they also provided yoga training. It was hoped that this would be able to make the elderly people in Banjar Mandala Sari actively participate in maintaining their own health independently and could increase awareness of the elderly in implementing healthy behavior carried out by the group through the program. Student Creativity entitled "Clean and Healthy Living Behavior Parade as an Effort to Increase Elderly Awareness of Implementing Healthy Behavior".


Each meeting is a different activity, starting with presentation of personal hygiene material, presentation of nutrition material, introduction to yoga, and implementation of yoga. To measure how well the elderly understand the material that has been explained, the group will use flash cards where later the group will ask questions then the elderly will look for answers that are already on the flash cards so that it is hoped that the material that has been explained can be absorbed and understood by the elderly of Banjar Mandala Sari . To implement yoga, it is carried out twice, the implementation focuses on the mind and breathing.


With the implementation of the PHBS Parade program, it is hoped that it can increase the knowledge of the elderly so that it can be shared with their families. By implementing yoga, it improves the quality of sleep for the elderly so that if the quality of their sleep decreases, they can apply it at home. The group also distributed a partner guidebook containing materials during the meeting.